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TonerGiant.co.uk provides a wide selection of home and office printers at unbeatable value. Every printer we sell also comes with a full one year manufacturer warranty and will be delivered
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I have a Lexmark printer x 543 and need a magenta toner. Will yours be suitable as the number on the toner I have is C540H1CG, and yours has a different number on it.
14 March 2018
Hi Kay,
thanks for your email. The reason the numbers on the cartridge differ is that Lexmark makes 2 versions of every cartridge, and the only difference between each is that one comes with a return recycle bag and has a slightly different reference. So, the original we sell matches your reference C540H1CG but the compatible has C540H2CG because it was manufactured from the empty original that didn't have a return recycle bag in it. They will both work perfectly in your printer.